Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I got one!

Or, more accurately, one got me-- I have a school to go to for student teaching!

I was beginning to feel like the last (rejected) puppy at the pound, my classmates had assignments and I was just sitting by the phone, waiting, hoping, jumping to answer the second it rang (sorry I hung up on you, Ma) -- I had depressing flashbacks to those pitiful High School years when she said she would call, but never did...

But I did get the call. I feel like I've been drafted, way down low in one of the final rounds, but at least some team is willing to take a chance on me... now I need to work hard, learn from the veterans, practice my skills and make sure the coaches notice my talent and determination. Who knows, I might just make the team next fall...

So: 5th grade! Real live students! Lesson plans! A tie! Oh no, there's the first thing to stress over decide: what should I wear tomorrow?

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

. . . they were saving the best for last : )
Congrats and have fun!

If you want some e-pals, I've got two 5th grade classrooms in MA...