Sunday, January 25, 2009

Okay, so I've changed the blog's title 6 times this weekend. Had to have the "Inspired" in there, right? It's kind of my trademark (see other blogs, copyright me 2009, patent pending, etc. )

This is it, really it.

Oops, spelled inspired wrong...

and Oops, I think I just changed the blog address-- and I promise I won't change anything else.

'cept maybe the color-- too pink? or could we call it salmon?


Bonnie said...

I liked Begin. [period] and the salmon is a little too "fleshy" colored for my taste. my, my, I'm a pain in the ass... i must be crabby because I may be unemployed soon ; )

Mr. Nauton said...

don't say that word! if you don't say it, it won't happen, and if it doesn't happen to you maybe it will not happen to thousands of others, except the lousy ones that need to be replaced, and I won't have to say it either...

Bonnie said...

thank you for knocking some sense into me (I didn't say it, I just typed it, and I'll never mention it again) And I can't believe I critiqued your flesh-colored blog....just ignore me, your blogs are fantastic ...