Sunday, February 22, 2009

the blue-footed what?!?!?!?

So is this a joke you veteran teachers like to pull on the rookies, sort of like sending an employee to find the "room stretcher" or sending the scouts out on a midnight snipe hunt? I had the struggling readers, complete with mini-gang member and adhd not-stop talker girl, for a small reading group: no problem. Ah, but you couldn't let it be that easy. I had the struggling readers, complete with mini-gang boy and adhd non-stop talker girl, for a small reading group ON A STORY ABOUT THE BLUE-FOOTED BOOBY AND ITS MATING HABITS: problem.


Those jelly-like blobs convulsing with giggles on the floor distracting everyone else in the 5th grade? Yep, my reading group.

1 comment:

TeachEnEspanol said...

That was hilarious! Though I'm pretty sure I wouldn't put a new teacher in that situation, I wouldn't be above laughing secretly. ;)

Actually, it kind of reminds me of last year when I was working in another teacher's classroom and the kids were doing a description worksheet. They had a word bank and one of the words was "horny" (meaning: with horns). One of the kids comes over to me and says, "Ms. H, what does horny mean?" I was so shocked until I looked at the actual worksheet. In a moment of shear brilliance I told him, "I'm not sure, go ask Ms. K." Then I just sat back to watch and laugh. :)