Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Day Three

Okay, sounds like I'm teaching my first lesson tomorrow-- something about verbs and subjects, and how they are supposed to agree...

3 days in and not totally comfortable yet, but I do know most of the students' names; the 6 that start with K get me confused. I get the feeling my Master Teacher ("MT" from here on out) would like me to take over as much as I want as soon as I want, which part of me feels like resisting while I know it's probably the best way -- jump in the water and just start paddling...

One very important subject not discussed in any class so far, and I would think at least one of you "fount of wisdom and experience" education experts would think to bring this up somewhere along the line: holy urinal cakes, when do you take a bathroom break?!?!?

1 comment:

Kevin Bibo said...

Knowing names quickly is a great practice. Teaching on your own is good when YOU feel ready. Don't let MT push you too hard if you do not feel prepared. And two things about potty breaks: 1) less coffee 2) go when you need to go especially is MT is in the room with you. Just get them started on something and quietly slip out. Otherwise you'll have to learn to hold it and take advantage of the bell schedule.